By car:
From Paris, take the A10 autoroute in the direction Bordeaux-Nantes. Take exit A71 direction Orléans-Vierzon, and exit at the A20 ramp direction Vierzon-Limoges-Brive. In Brive, take the autoroute in the direction of Bordeaux-Périgueux. Exit 13 is Périgueux-Est (Total gas station). After this exit (Périguex-Est), take the roundabout and follow Le Bugue and Les Eyzies. Follow the N710 straight to Le Bugue, until about 6 km before the town. An exit on the right side of the road will point to Journiac 0,5 km. (also: Cendrieux 8 km). Take the first road on your left before you pass the Journiac town center, it’s about 1,5 km of curling through the landscape before you see the turn to Zenière (and Laugerie) on your left. Follow the road for 600 m and you’ll see the arrow to “La Zenière” on your left. Descend the road for about 400 meters. Welcome!
GPS-coordinates: 44°58’0”North, 0°54’0″East
By plane:
Book your flights to one of these two airports:
The Bordeaux airport is about a 2 hour drive from Journiac.
The Bergerac airport is a 45-minute drive from Journiac.
Take the road out of the airport. At the main road turn right (signposted Bergerac). At the first roundabout take the first on your right (signposted Sarlat). Continue to the roundabout. There go straight across towards St Alvère. Follow this D 32 for 30 km to St Alvère and then further direction Rouffignac for more than 7 km. At the main road D 710 turn right direction Le Bugue. You see the sign to Journiac (0,5 km) on your right about 6 km before Le Bugue.
Just before you enter the village sign turn left (La Granerie Crussendor) and follow this road for about 1,5 km. Than turn left, sign Zenière and Laugerie, and follow this road for about 600 m . You can see now the sign “La Zenière” on your left. Go till the end of this little road. You’ve arrived!
By train:
Take a train to Périgueux or Le Bugue, there’s a switch in Limoges or Bordeaux. Look on the sites of the SNCF and the SNCB.
More information: www.b-rail.be | www.NS.nl | www.voyages-sncf.com